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This popular Oregon-based sportswear brand has been crafting top-quality outdoor clothes for the whole family for over 80 years. Columbia have developed some of the most reliable and warming outdoor gear by using an Omni-Heat™ Reflective lining which reflects body heat to keep your little one as cosy as possible.
Our Columbia kids' range features a wide choice of products all designed to keep your child comfortable whatever the weather. Our collection of Columbia kids' clothes includes fleece jackets, ski jackets, and puffer jackets. We also stock a range of other Columbia clothes for kids, including beanies, hoodies, t-shirts, and gloves.
If you like our Columbia kids' range you may also be interested in our collection of kids' outdoor clothing from other popular brands, such as Patagonia, Jack Wolfskin, and Skogstad. You'll find a wide range of clothing, including kids' jackets, waterproofs, and accessories, so you'll find everything they need for a trip outdoors
Browse our range of boy's and girls' Columbia clothing today and get free delivery on orders over £60.