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Helly Hansen have been producing professional grade outdoor gear and clothing in Norway for over 140 years. The brand's selection of warm and comfortable clothes is sure to keep your little one toasty even on the chilliest of days.
Here at Little Adventure Shop, we have a selection of Helly Hansen girls' and boys' clothing. We offer lightweight and breathable jackets from the brand, as well as windproof insulated jackets that are waterproof up to 15,000mm. But we stock far more than just kids' Helly Hansen coats — we offer a range of children's fleeces, beanies, and cosy socks from the brand too.
If you like our collection of kids' Helly Hansen products, you may be interested in children's outdoorwear from our other top brands, such as Jack Wolfskin, Reima, Skogstad, and Columbia. Explore our full range today and get free delivery on orders over £60.